Sanders declares in the statement today that it’s “nonsense” to say such a thing. This is how he responded to calls to denounce the violence from his supporters: Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high crime areas, and there have been zero reports of violence. Our campaign of course…
Idyllic Thai island Koh Tachai closed indefinitely due to damage from tourism
Tunya Nethithammakul, director general of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, told CNN Tuesday that the island had been closed to visitors “indefinitely,” due to the severe deterioration of its ecosystem. The problems included litter and food waste, gasoline from tour boats leaching into the water and damage to coral, he said,…
Democratic Primary Update – Thursday April 28
Tuesday April 26th were the Democratic primary elections in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Another great night for Hillary Clinton that read as much as a hammer blow to the Sanders campaign as it did an electoral victory. Clinton took 4 of the 5 states, winning by 52 pledged delegates and almost half a…
Democratic Primary Update – Wednesday April 20
Tuesday, April 19th was the Democratic primary in New York. The state is not yet fully reported, but we do have a good picture of what happened. Hillary Clinton walked away with a convincing win, taking 139 pledged delegates at the current count. Not only did Clinton win almost 58% of the popular vote,…
Dear Berners: There’s No Getting Around Process
One thing that has really been bothering me during the Democratic primary and about Bernie Sanders specifically is the severity of his ignorance and detachment from reality. Bear with me – I honestly believe that is an objective assessment, not an insult. At the root of it is a complete ignorance of process and…
State of the Democratic Primary – Monday April 11
So much angst, talk and spin coming from certain campaigns these days, it might be helpful to have an overview of the Democratic primary race up to this point. Although the Sanders campaign grows more desperate by the day, the numbers do not lie. We’ve all seen it by now. The wild and nasty insults…
Here’s What Hillary Clinton Said
One thing I have learned over the years of studying government and electoral politics is that things aren’t always what they seem. As a progressive, I took it as a matter of fact that the ‘Left’ were the good guys and the ‘Right’ bad. Black and white. Over the past few years however I…
Democratic Primary Update – Sunday April 10th
Before making wild accusations about accuracy or motives, read this. Last Saturday April 9th was the closed caucus in the state of Wyoming. Sanders won, taking 56% of the state convention delegates. In all, because of the proportional system for awarding delegates, the candidates split the delegates taking 7 each, which means that although…
Sanders Begins His Death Spiral
Coming off what may be a record week in the history of fact checking, Bernie goes for a blow out. In less than a week, Sanders has garnered 10 pinocchios from the Washington Post and a ‘false’ and ‘mostly false’ from Politifact. In just 5 days. But that wasn’t good enough for Sanders. He decided…
Democratic Primary Update – Wednesday April 6th
Yesterday was the election in Wisconsin where Bernie took the win with 57% of the vote, gaining the majority of 86 pledged delegates. With 3 pledged delegates yet to be assigned, Bernie cuts into Clinton’s pledged delegate lead by 11 after last night’s win. Clinton remains far ahead in pledged and unpledged delegates, and…
The Crucifixion of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
There is no doubt that women in general face sexism daily. Hillary in particular is a glaring and unfortunate example of sexism faced by women as they strive for positions of power or authority. I suspect that most women view sexism like most Blacks view racism: it’s a lot like the weather. Sometimes you get…
The State of The Democratic Primary 3/16/2016
Hillary Clinton had a great night on Tuesday, winning all the biggest states, and splitting Missouri, winning the popular vote and losing by one delegate. The results add up to a statistically insurmountable lead that should carry her all the way to the nomination. I have been saying since Bernie got in that he would…
The Horrible Flaw In Bernie’s Tax Plan That No One Is Talking About
I have been promising for a few weeks to go into detail about how nutty Bernie’s tax proposals are, specifically when it comes to paying for medicare-for-all. Well, I finally saw the annoying and unofficial chart below one too many times, and I finally had my fill of watching liberals defend Bernie’s awful anti-liberal proposal….
Great Recession: Where’s the Punishment After the Crime?
The U.S. Department of Justice has been investigating whether individuals and entities involved in toxic, collateralized mortgage-backed securities can be charged with crimes. But, as yet, there have been no criminal convictions of high-level corporate officials directly linked to the practice. Michael Greenberger, former director of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of…
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Bernie
One would believe that there is no black middle class, that we do not own homes or occupy executive offices. One would have to believe that there are no African American college graduates who are still worried that they cannot afford the same for their children. One would think that we are not small business…
The Black Vote And Racist Incredulity
I got to tell you. We saw it in Seattle with BLM, and now that we are on the verge of voting in SC, I have to chuckle to myself. White Sanders supporters just do not get it. Honestly, I don’t think a lot of White Clinton supporters get it either, but they’ll take…
Not A Super Predator. Super Uninformed. The Death Of #BLM.
Today you are hearing a lot about Hillary, Black lives matter, and super predators. First, besides my impression that to me the so-called protester was little more than a Bernie supporter attempting to smear Clinton, the absurdity of what she was saying becomes clear when you see the full speech, which I have provided…
After Nevada, the Threats from the “Bernie or Bust” Crowd Grow Louder
There truly is a brand of young political idealist — and that’s the nice way of referring to it — which is wielding its vote, or lack thereof, as a weapon to hopefully get Bernie Sanders elected. These are the people who threaten to stay home on election day, so to speak, and who insist…
Dear Bernie: I Like You, But These Red Flags Are Too Frequent to Ignore
The problem is that you’re talking to people who sense that something is wrong, are angry about it and want to know where to place the blame. You are giving them a cabal of boogeyman bankers, corporations and allegedly bought politicians to bear the brunt of that resentment. You’re doing this through a fair degree…
Bernie Versus The World
A common criticism of Bernie that I and others have made is that there is no chance for him to get his plans through Congress. A common retort I hear from Bernie supporters is ‘well, how would Hillary get her plans passed?’ Leaving aside the overarching fallacy of equivalence that Bernie and Hillary would face…