Hillary Clinton had a great night on Tuesday, winning all the biggest states, and splitting Missouri, winning the popular vote and losing by one delegate.
The results add up to a statistically insurmountable lead that should carry her all the way to the nomination. I have been saying since Bernie got in that he would not be able to get the numbers he needed to overcome Clinton’s built-in support, and that certainly appears to be the case.
That seems to leave the one option with the highest chance of success that I suggested to his supporters months ago: start sending interstellar signals to attract attention from any intelligent aliens. Because the only real chance Bernie ever had was if 40% of Clinton supporters nationally were abducted by aliens.
I’m joking, but not about the numbers. there are 2,308 delegates remaining to be had. (*Clinton picked up 7 as this was written. Delegate counts will be fluid for a while) Hillary has 1,606 pledged and unpledged delegates meaning she needs 702 of the remaining 2,308. Bernie needs 1,457. That means Clinton only needs an average win in remaining contests of 31% to clinch the nomination.
As I have been saying to Bernie supporters for six months – it’s just the math.
Obama schooled Clinton on the process to take the White House in 2008, and then he proceeded to school Republicans on process. His final lesson will be the appointment of judges, including a Supreme Court justice, at the end of his term.
Clinton was always a process person, and now she has learned from Obama, and she is in the process of schooling Bernie, who hasn’t given a thought to process a day in his life.
It is past time for the idealists and the extremists in this country to understand that government is about process, not big ideas. Grand principles set the goals. Process does the work. When you go to the voting booth, this November or any time, we will all be well served if you remember the top qualifications for any candidate for elected office are that they understand the job, understand the process, and understand what it takes to keep the process moving closer to their agenda.
The process of government is a giant Golberg machine that often requires counter-intuitive and seemingly inconsequential maneuvers that lead to unexpected and out-sized results. Ironically, it requires exactly the kind of vision and technique to which populism is an anathema.
Which is why it is so hard to get things done.