There is no doubt that women in general face sexism daily. Hillary in particular is a glaring and unfortunate example of sexism faced by women as they strive for positions of power or authority.
I suspect that most women view sexism like most Blacks view racism: it’s a lot like the weather. Sometimes you get lucky and it’s a beautiful day. Sometimes you get caught in severe weather. You can prepare for the weather, but changing it is beyond our reach.
But beyond bias and bigotry, something that really irritates the Hell out of me is disloyalty and betrayal.
I’m bringing this up because I see the continual bashing, smearing and denigration of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. I have no doubt that it is largely motivated by sexism. But also infuriating is how criticism of Wasserman-Schultz is such a clear example of not only sexism, but a terrible and ignorant mentality that is taking over this country: a mentality of hate, and a mentality that sees nothing wrong with propping people up only to tear them down.
Today it seems completely forgotten how Wasserman-Schultz came to be chair of the Democratic party.
In the 2010 midterms, many were frustrated at the actions of many Democratic candidates, who were doing their best to distance themselves from President Obama. Fearing public perception of Obama initiatives, many went out of their way to avoid any connection with Obama or his policies, and offered weak responses when pressed with questions. Many Democrats and Obama supporters were angry at this, seeing the behavior not only as a betrayal of Obama, but a weakening of the legislative front against Republicans, serving to dissipate the populist advantage gained from the 2008 election. Of course, we now know that’s exactly what happened.
In the midst of all this comes Wasserman-Schultz, from a purple state with a Republican governor and a Republican legislature, who today is often criticized as a long-time ally of Hillary Clinton, standing up for and standing with Barack Obama, loudly and proudly proclaiming her support for and agreement with President Obama’s actions and policies.
At the time it was like a breath of fresh air. So many Democrats were frustrated and angry. Finally someone was standing up and doing the right thing!
Calls for more of Wasserman-Schultz quickly grew. Get her in those interviews! Send her on the talk show circuit! We only have an acting head of the DNC; give Wasserman-Schultz the job!
And in 2011, by popular demand, Wasserman-Schultz became the chair of the Democratic National Committee.
So don’t talk to me about ‘the lesser of two evils’. Jesus Christ has yet to run for election. Put away your crucifixes, your hammers and nails.
No one is perfect. This is not your family. This is not even your neighborhood. This is national politics in a nation of millions. You will never agree with every position held, or every tactic employed by someone else. It’s time to grow up, be adults, and recognize the full value of individuals, as women, as people of color, as people who are loyal, who are willing to make sacrifices for others. As people who value their communities and are willing to put in the work to make them better.
As people who are willing to stand up for what is right while others run the other way.
You may not like everything Wasserman-Schultz has done. But far more dangerous and disgusting are people willing to nail someone to a cross because of anger over a few issues, and memories that don’t even go back five years.