Seems like a good time for a recap of Trump activity. Read to the end because trust me it gets incredibly bad: 1] Trump blows Comey kisses, praising him for his help in Trump taking the White House 2] Despite continuing questionable(but not negligent or illegal)statements from Comey, Trump says he still has…
Category: Law
Democrats’ War on Due Process and Terrorist Fearmongering Long Predate Orlando
Even worse was the messaging that came from an operative with CAP, who has become a little Twitter star among the Democratic faithful for his endless Cheneyite exploitation of terrorism fears to attack Republicans and justify gun watchlists. This is how he described Feinstein’s bill: It’s hard to put into words how appalling that is. This CAP…
Florida considering weakening restrictions on discharging chemicals in water
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has proposed revising limits on toxic chemicals that can be released into surface waters, something it’s supposed to do from time to time under the Clean Water Act but hasn’t since the early 1990s. The agency is updating human-health criteria for 43 dangerous chemical compounds it currently regulates and…
House Democrats Stage a Sit-in on the House Floor on Gun Control
But members of Congress are among the most powerful political actors in the country, and they are acting on an issue that is endlessly discussed and debated, not one that requires unusual tactics, like subverting order in the national legislature, to air all sides of the matter. When Republicans respond to not getting their way…
A House of Representatives Sit-In? Whatever.
Today Dems are staging a sit in in the House. Regular readers can probably guess my position on the matter. I don’t want to denigrate other people’s actions for change, but since the story is being so widely reported and commented on, I feel like I would be remiss in not sharing an opinion. …
This Is Why Democrats Don’t Win
So Dems are conducting a filibuster in the Senate. I have to tell you this is another major fail, and exactly why Dems prove so ineffective so often. We all know that with a Democratic president the Republicans main objective in the Senate is to do nothing. So far from making an impact on…
Obamacare Cut The Uninsured Rate To Single Digits Last Year
Obamacare’s health coverage programs remain works in progress, with 19 states continuing to refuse the law’s Medicaid expansion for the poorest uninsured and financial difficulties facing some major insurance companies participating in the exchange marketplaces where low- and middle-income households buy subsidized private insurance. But when it comes to covering the uninsured, the law has…
Great Recession: Where’s the Punishment After the Crime?
The U.S. Department of Justice has been investigating whether individuals and entities involved in toxic, collateralized mortgage-backed securities can be charged with crimes. But, as yet, there have been no criminal convictions of high-level corporate officials directly linked to the practice. Michael Greenberger, former director of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of…
How the GOP Candidates Are Blocking the Vote
As a senator from Texas, Cruz has championed his state’s voter-ID law, the strictest in the country. The law—which allows voters presenting a handgun permit to cast a ballot, but not those with a student ID—has been blocked by federal courts on three occasions. Cruz’s website featured a petition calling on supporters to tell Obama:…
Full Text of the Trans Pacific Partnership
The full text of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement has been released. For all those complaining about how this is a secret deal, you’ve got a lot of dry reading ahead. Here’s the link: TPP Full Text
The Disproportionate Risks of Driving While Black
A national uproar over racial profiling erupted in the 1990s after New Jersey state troopers were found to have focused on minority drivers for traffic stops in hopes of catching drug couriers. Thousands of local law enforcement departments and more than a dozen state police agencies began collecting traffic-stop information as a result.In the seven…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – August 10, 2015 – The Rational Progressive
TRP News with James Andre. This week – the Jade Helm military exercise brings out the crazies, Potential Reid successor Senator Schumer bucks White House on Iran deal, voting rights on the 50th anniversary of the voting rights amendment, an update on the HIV outbreak in Indiana, the EPA accident polluting a Colorado river with…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – August 3, 2015 – The Rational Progressive
TRP News with James Andre. This week – Sanders vs Clinton, smears and facing reality, the Iran deal is being reviewed by Congress and touted by Sec Kerry, Obama reveals new carbon emissions rules, the first of their kind in the nation, Fukushima takes steps forward in the clean up of the nuclear accident, and…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – July 13, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week South Carolina finally takes down the confederate flag from the capitol, BP reaches a settlement on the Gulf spill while Shell moves forward with Arctic drilling plans, Islamic State propaganda and activity around the world, and a deal with Iran on nuclear research is said to be imminent….
U.S. court rules NSA can temporarily resume bulk phone data collection
A new law, called the Freedom Act, which substantially reformed and narrowed the bulk phone data program, was signed by U.S. President Barack Obama a day after the existing program lapsed on June 1. The Freedom Act also allowed the existing surveillance program to continue for a six-month transition period, but it remained in legal…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 29, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week Fast Track has passed and been sent to the President, the Islamic State turns one year old and calls for a month of disaster, SCOTUS hands down several important decisions including same sex marriage, the Iran talks overrun but are said to be near completion, and the politics…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 15, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week Hillary Clinton officially kicks off her campaign, Fast Track passes the House but can’t move forward, more U.S. troops head to Iraq in the fight against the Islamic State, and the Mckinney pool incident highlights irrationality in public discourse. 0:20 Clinton 3:25 Fast Track vote 13:35 Troops in…
Magical Mystery Tour of American Austerity: How One State Is Destroying Democracy and Poisoning Its People | Alternet
One city neglected to inform its residents that its water supply was laced with cancerous chemicals. Another dissolved its public school district and replaced it with a charter school system, only to witness the for-profit management company it hired flee the scene after determining it couldn’t turn a profit. Numerous cities and school districts in…
House Votes To Overturn D.C. Reproductive Health Discrimination Law
The House vote targeted the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act passed by the District’s council last year. The city legislation aimed to prohibit employers from discriminating against employees accessing in-vitro fertilization, using birth control, having premarital sex or seeking an abortion. The measure would have added reproductive health to the city’s other employment discrimination protections….
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 1, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week focus on Iowa and a new poll in the presidential primary race, Provisions of the Patriot Act expire including the NSA’s bulk data collection program, Iraq pushes back ISIS but loses 2,300 humvees, the migrant crises around the world escalates with the summer weather, and the migrant crises…