Obamacare’s health coverage programs remain works in progress, with 19 states continuing to refuse the law’s Medicaid expansion for the poorest uninsured and financial difficulties facing some major insurance companies participating in the exchange marketplaces where low- and middle-income households buy subsidized private insurance.
But when it comes to covering the uninsured, the law has been a clear success.
The CDC data demonstrate that 16.2 million fewer people were uninsured during the fourth quarter of 2015 than at the end of 2013.
A previous estimate from the Department of Health and Human Services puts the total number of newly covered people higher, at 20 million. This year, Gallup reports the uninsured rate continued to fall.
Republicans continue to seek repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and House GOP leaders have vowed to unveil health care reform policies of their own in the coming weeks. Whatever they propose, the plan is likely to result in fewer people with insurance, as indicated by a preview of that plan offered by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) this month.
Read Full Article=> Obamacare Cut The Uninsured Rate To Single Digits Last Year