Senators McCain and Graham have promised to do everything they can to block a potential nomination of Susan Rice by President Obama. McCain went so far as to call her “not too bright” for giving the public a report on the killing of U.S. diplomats in Libya that McCain feels was in error.
Essentially, these two Senators are attempting to crucify Ambassador Rice because they believe she spoke out of turn, before having all the facts. Ironically, that is exactly what McCain and Graham are doing by promising to block her nominations BEFORE she is even nominated, and BEFORE there is a hearing allowing them to ask pertinent questions that might enlighten them.
Instead, they they are casting insults, and spouting statements that begin with “I think.”
McCain said point-blank that he would oppose the nomination of Rice to replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Asked if he would do anything to block her, including filibuster, he bluntly answered “yes.”
Graham added: “I don’t trust her.”
MORE: McCain, Graham Promise to Oppose Susan Rice for State –