Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, Matt Drudge, and Fox News’ Sean Hannity are all promoting a “bombshell video” of President Obama giving a speech on race issues in 2007 and are suggesting it could impact the presidential election. But Carlson, Drudge, and Fox News, among many other outlets, all reported on the same speech more than five years ago, and the portions of the speech not previously released add little to the debate.
At the time, conservative media critics praised mainstream media outlets for covering the speech. But Sean Hannity, Carlson, and Drudge now claim that the media deliberately ignored key segments of the speech.
Apparently they were either among the participating in the supposed cover-up, or were too incompetent to report on the speech at the time with the detail they now claim it deserved. Indeed, during an appearance on Hannity tonight, Carlson repeatedly acknowledged that he had previously reported on the speech back in 2007.