The existence of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has always been hard to explain, even for those who support it enthusiastically. It’s only now that the panel’s purpose is coming into sharper focus. The trouble, of course, is that the committee is wholly unnecessary. Over the course of two years, the deadly 2012…
Author: TRP
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – July 13, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week South Carolina finally takes down the confederate flag from the capitol, BP reaches a settlement on the Gulf spill while Shell moves forward with Arctic drilling plans, Islamic State propaganda and activity around the world, and a deal with Iran on nuclear research is said to be imminent….
U.S. court rules NSA can temporarily resume bulk phone data collection
A new law, called the Freedom Act, which substantially reformed and narrowed the bulk phone data program, was signed by U.S. President Barack Obama a day after the existing program lapsed on June 1. The Freedom Act also allowed the existing surveillance program to continue for a six-month transition period, but it remained in legal…
Gates to double investment in renewable energy projects
Bill Gates is planning to double his personal investment in innovative green technologies to $2bn over the next five years in an attempt to “bend the curve” in combating climate change. The billionaire philanthropist said he had already invested about $1bn in dozens of early stage companies — including battery storage, next-generation nuclear and free…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 29, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week Fast Track has passed and been sent to the President, the Islamic State turns one year old and calls for a month of disaster, SCOTUS hands down several important decisions including same sex marriage, the Iran talks overrun but are said to be near completion, and the politics…
For Cities, Big-Box Stores Are Becoming Even More of a Terrible Deal
It’s an established part of the big-box retail model that the boxes themselves be custom-built, cheaply constructed, and disposable. If retailers decide that they need a bigger space, it’s cheaper for them to leave the old one behind and build a new one. When Walmart, for instance, opened its wave of new, twice-the-size Supercenters across…
Hillary HQ: Hillary Clinton Never Supported the Bush/Cheney Invasion of Iraq
“She voted for the war!” “She’s an unapologetic hawk!” “She’s just another Dick Cheney when it comes to foreign policy!” These are the charges I’ve heard over and over again for years…and as a longtime Hillary Clinton supporter who was against the Iraq War from the beginning, it never ceases to bug the hell out…
The Clinton-Confederate Flag Conspiracy Theory Is a New Low
The national debate over the future of the Confederate flag that flies in front of the state’s capitol has unwittingly given rise to one of the more bizarre Clinton conspiracy theories to date: that Bill and Hillary Clinton, despite decades as civil rights advocates and their right-wing caricature as Northeast liberal elites, are closet Confederate…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 22, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week President Obama establishes a green energy program, TPA goes for another vote, more migrant news, Earth’s sixth mass extinction, Charleston church shooting. 0:17 Obama & green energy 2:11 TPA vote 5:37 Migrant crises 12:02 Mass extinction 18:33 Charleston For audio only, stream or download here :
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Questions and Answers
Senator Warren raises some important questions about an element of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) called Investor-State Dispute settlement, or ISDS. There are good answers. The purpose of investment provisions in our trade agreements is to provide American individuals and businesses who do business abroad with the same protections we provide to domestic and foreign investors…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 15, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week Hillary Clinton officially kicks off her campaign, Fast Track passes the House but can’t move forward, more U.S. troops head to Iraq in the fight against the Islamic State, and the Mckinney pool incident highlights irrationality in public discourse. 0:20 Clinton 3:25 Fast Track vote 13:35 Troops in…
Magical Mystery Tour of American Austerity: How One State Is Destroying Democracy and Poisoning Its People | Alternet
One city neglected to inform its residents that its water supply was laced with cancerous chemicals. Another dissolved its public school district and replaced it with a charter school system, only to witness the for-profit management company it hired flee the scene after determining it couldn’t turn a profit. Numerous cities and school districts in…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 8, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week a discussion about cynicism about our government and civic participation, the Hillary Clinton and the fight for voter’s rights and a $15 minimum wage, Bernie Sanders and taxing the 1%, the G7 summit and an update on the migrant crises. :19 Civic Engagement 12:30 Clinton 16:56 Bernie Sanders…
Why Obama is happy to fight Elizabeth Warren on the trade deal
What’s mostly going on here, though, is that frustrated liberals see in the Asian trade deal an opportunity to draw the line on globalization, period. No one thinks this deal is going to be the ruin of American workers, when all is said and done. What they think is that there has to be a…
House Votes To Overturn D.C. Reproductive Health Discrimination Law
The House vote targeted the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act passed by the District’s council last year. The city legislation aimed to prohibit employers from discriminating against employees accessing in-vitro fertilization, using birth control, having premarital sex or seeking an abortion. The measure would have added reproductive health to the city’s other employment discrimination protections….
Fossil fuels subsidised by $10m a minute, says IMF
Fossil fuel companies are benefitting from global subsidies of $5.3tn (£3.4tn) a year, equivalent to $10m a minute every day, according to a startling new estimate by the International Monetary Fund.The IMF calls the revelation “shocking” and says the figure is an “extremely robust” estimate of the true cost of fossil fuels. The $5.3tn subsidy…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – June 1, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week focus on Iowa and a new poll in the presidential primary race, Provisions of the Patriot Act expire including the NSA’s bulk data collection program, Iraq pushes back ISIS but loses 2,300 humvees, the migrant crises around the world escalates with the summer weather, and the migrant crises…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – May 18, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week an news from the Clinton campaign and the conservative false flag operations to erode her support, the Iran nuclear negotiation bill finally goes to the President, fast track moves forward in Congress, the Amtrak crash and the funding debate, and an update on the HIV outbreak in Indian…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – May 11, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week an update on Iran nuclear deal legislation, the current state of fast track legislation for TPP and what really happened to those manufacturing jobs, another story about the wrongs being committed under civil asset forfeiture laws, the nature of the debate over GMOs, and an outbreak of STDs…
TRP News – Progressive News & Information – May 4, 2015
TRP News with James Andre. This week the police state in Baltimore comes to an end, Bernie Sanders announces his run for the presidency and raises 1.5 million dollars, Saudi Arabia drops cluster bombs in Yemen, Indiana uses more half measures as the HIV outbreak is expected to grow, and the status of fast track…