Finally, after a year, it’s not just me that’s saying it. -JA
He’s still on track to lose; taking Oregon didn’t change that at all, as none of his victories have since March 15th. Yet his speech was as insanely mutinous as his earlier statement on Nevada, with a fiery Sanders painting the Democratic Party as corrupt if it wasn’t willing to let “the people” in. As Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo reports today, it spoke volumes about Sanders’s thinking. “Sanders narrative today has essentially been that he is political legitimacy,” Marshall writes. “The Democratic party needs to realize that.” Marshall’s overall point: that according to his sources — and Marshall is one of the best in the business — the hostility and toxicity in Sanders’s campaign is coming straight from the top. From Sanders himself. He’s lying to his supporters, telling them he can win when he can’t. And if he can’t, he’s telling them that the election is being stolen. This is where we are now.
Knowing which way the winds are blowing and taking into account, you know, things like reality and facts, it’s almost certain that Sanders’s more clear-headed supporters are beginning to turn their support to Clinton, being that she’s the presumptive Democratic nominee and the alternative is a sexist, racist, xenophobic, compulsively lying, demagogic monster. What we’re seeing now then is the death-rattle of a failed “revolution.” A revolution pushed on by an angry crank and nothing more.
Read Full Article => Bernie Sanders Refuses To Admit There’s a Problem With His Fanatical Supporters – The Daily Banter